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Легче изменить вероисповедание человека, чем его пищевые привычки.


Жми! Лишний вес? - 27.05.2017 14:21

2017-06-06 mensheEstРазговор в Одессе:

-Семен Ильич, чо Вы такой худой и чо Вы кушаете?

- То же что и Вы, Абрам Витальевич, только на пол-ведра меньше.

ританские исследователи установили, что несмотря на огромные усилия со стороны государства по пропаганде здорового образа жизни, правильного питания, структура этого самого питания меняется крайне медленно и незаметно. Рыбы и овощей, фруктов потребляется меньше рекомендованных норм. Только дети до 4 лет потребляют необходимое количество каши (деваться некуда, другого не дают, а до желаемого пока добраться не могут). Было констатировано  достоверное снижение потребление продуктов со «свободными сахарами». Но политика государства в отношении сахаров была чрезвычайно агрессивной. Рассчитывать на долговременность эффекта не приходится. Недостаточным остается потребление белковых продуктов, витамина Д.
Пока приходится констатировать, что пока потребитель не захочет САМ дольше жить, заставить его невозможно.
 UK population is still consuming too much saturated fat, added sugars and salt and not enough fruit, vegetables, oily fish and fibre, says a new report.
The findings come from the latest update to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) put together by Public Health England (PHE) - revealing new data on UK population food intakes and comparing it to previous years that the survey has been run.
The report finds that in the population as a whole, mean saturated fat, non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) and salt intakes were above dietary recommendations, and the mean intakes of fruit and vegetables, non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and oily fish were below recommendations - while mean total fat and trans-fat intakes were in line with recommendations.
‘Cereals and cereal products’ and ‘meat and meat products’ were the main contributors to total fat intake, except in children under four years, for whom ‘milk and milk products’ was the largest contributor, said the report.
An increased risk of vitamin D deficiency in all age and sex groups was also identified.
"The findings, from the 4 years covered by the survey, confirm that eating habits do not change quickly. It is clear that we all need to work together to help people improve their diets," said Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at PHE- who added that the data provides 'compelling evidence' that everybody needs make dietary, but that the findings were especially worrying for teenagers.
Downward trend?
The report noted that average intakes of energy, total fat and saturated fat tended to be lower in Y3&4 than in Y1&2 of the survey - adding that and the differences reached statistical significance for some age groups.
"Intakes expressed as a percentage of energy tended to be higher for carbohydrate and lower for total fat in Y3&4 than in Y1&2 with the differences reaching statistical significance for some age/sex groups."
Total and red meat consumption also tended to be lower in Y3&4 compared with Y1&2 but there were no differences in fruit and vegetable consumption. Indeed, only 33% of adults and 41% of older adults met the '5-a-day' recommendation, while only 10% of boys and 7% of girls aged 11 to 19 years met the recommendation.
A spokesman for Sugar Nutrition UK added that the results from NDNS 'useful' to the current debate on carbohydrates - "as they show that the average intake of added sugars (non-milk extrinsic sugars) has decreased in recent years."
"Today’s report in particular notes the decline in the intakes of added sugars in children compared to previous surveys," said Sugar Nutrition UK. "This data is particularly interesting because it provides a measure of what people actually eat and drink, rather than relying purely on estimates based on household purchase or supply availability information."
"Further analysis of this and subsequent years' data will enable researchers and health professionals to see whether there are any significant shifts or trends in both what and how much we are eating as a nation."
While this downward trend in recent years is case optimism, the key report finding - that the UK population are consuming far above guideline intakes for added sugar, saturated fat and salt - should be a cause for concern, said the report. However, a number of dieticians and health experts have suggested that 'being on the right track' towards lower levels in the future is just as important. 

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